
The Moral Inversion Comes Home

So my phone just goes off, Mrs Tomrat answers it and I catch the semi-eratic calls of my mum. Mrs Tomrat puts the phone down.

Turns out my Brother, Buffrat, was on the tube in London going to the bus stop home after a business doohickey very early this morning.

A mugger held a knife to his throat demanding his wallet; unbeknownst to our chancing ruffian aside from his main role in recruitment he also temps as a personal bodyguard and bouncer at various big events, highly trained in close quarter protection.

The mugger left the carraige with a broken nose, several broken ribs and fingers.

And he's pressing charges.

I'll keep you posted fearless readers. For words fail me tonight.


Spoke to Buffrat this morning; is perfectly fine, had a witness to the event and they found the (Stanley knife); does not look good for our perp. More to come...


jacuzzi said...

your bro cant be that hot if he got caught

Tomrat said...

No he stayed around to ensure the guy got to hospital and he told the popo what happened.

Will no doubt find out more when I see him at some point.

richard said...

there's a lesson for us all - having damaged a villain, get offside ASAP and leave him to it. who gives a fuck if a mugger gets to hospital. your bro's common human decency was wasted on this bad man, and will sadly result in a lot of hassle if not a criminal conviction...... tragic.

Tomrat said...

A maxim of Krav Maga that both myself and Buffrat have studied is that when attacked you need to only deflect damage but also immobilise your target so they are incapable of harming another until they can be contained.

One overlooked aspect is that where possible (I.e. When your attacker is unlikely to pose a further threat, what with several broken fingers, nose and ribs) you should take the responsibility to look out for others and wait for the authorities; not a written rule (the written rule says run) but a good moral one as it ensures you can also observe if the attacker is badly injured; he deserves justice and a lesson (given in this case).

richard said...

Tomrat; Krav Maga is an excellent means of self-defence. but why "should" you take the responsibility to look after an injured mugger? or hang around so that the police (who won't in fairness be aware of the details) will arrest you for assault?
the defender deserves justice, but will he get it?

Tomrat said...

2 reasons:

1. The most obvious is that it is against the law (leaving the scene of a crime).
2. Human decency; all the more important when dealing with someone with none.

richard said...

self-defence using reasonable force isn't a crime. Mr Jerub's brother is now at the mercy of the knife-weilding unethical oaf. also, the police will not be in a position to let him go if a charge has been preferred by the bad man.
his life could be ruined if he is convicted, or put on a "database" for an employer to access.
did the mugger deserve a pummelling? yes. does the decent man deserve any legal hassle? no.

Tomrat said...


self-defence using reasonable force isn't a crime.

Agreed; leaving the scene of a crime is though.

Mr Jerub's brother is now at the mercy of the knife-weilding unethical oaf. also, the police will not be in a position to let him go if a charge has been preferred by the bad man.

First, read the update; the blow by blow account while not necessary involves said bad man holding the Stanley knife to Buffrats throat demanding his iPhone and wallet, Buffrat declines, bad man holds it closer to the mark. Buffrat carefully removes his wallet, throwing it to his left, followed by bad mans gaze, followed by bad man bodily, complete with wrested arm and a broken nose. Whilst being slammed into the floor and held there bad man breaks several ribs, breaking some fingers when Buffrat stamps the knife away from his hand. All in the presence of a terrified lady passenger.

That aside this is one of those nothing to hide, nothing to fear moments which holds up credibly; a crime has been committed (by bad man), the victim (Buffrat) despite being able to succesfully defend himself should inform the police so the criminal won't escape justice, or have the moral highground, when police question him while he is being put back together.

his life could be ruined if he is convicted, or put on a "database" for an employer to access.
did the mugger deserve a pummelling? yes. does the decent man deserve any legal hassle? no.

People have had their lives ruined for considerably more whimsical stuff than this, or had their DNA taken, or had there employment prospects wrecked; we can only hope and strive for better justice and for those people who hold the keys to it to be accountable to those they hold it over.

Tomrat said...
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