
By What Right you Chinless Cretins?

Seriously what the hell? This is this man's own property and land so why is this even under discussion?

Don't be taken in by the "nothing to hide" or "legal" loophole laws mentioned here- this dilutes the ultimate issue here; this man's home build didn't infringe on anyone elses life, liberty or property, only a spurious law created to assert control over others.

If I were this guy I would lock myself in this house and tell them where they can cram their planning regulations; they can live with the indignity of having the papers tag them as the turds they are.


Captain Ranty said...

This story is yet another excellent example of why I have chosen the path I have.

The question I have is this: why should grown men (or women) need to ask permission to do anything? If "permission" can be granted, then the act (whatever it is) is fundamentally lawful. If it is lawful, there is no need to apply (beg) for permission.

That the government, and its myriad spawn, treat us like children, is a given. That we act like children, is a constant mystery to me.

I have stopped asking. I now tell them.

When they ask me anything, I just say "No".

It is wonderfully liberating.


Tomrat said...

El Capitan Ranty, always a pleasure.

My treasured and meager readership would do wise to follow the link via the good captains name in these comments if you haven't visited his site before and find out more about the ultimate (nuclear?) option of becoming a "freeman"; no quicker way of winning your freedom from state oppression by making your claim to it.

Actually Captain I have a conundrum; in my presently awkward employment status I am looking at retraining as a clinical scientist; problem is this entails taking Gordo's shilling and working for the NHS; probably a daft question but are there examples of freemen working for state agencies? Hypocritical I know but perhaps identifying yet another injustice attributed to government monopsony; you can't get a job in any field they dominate without severe curbs on your liberty.

Just thinking is all.

Captain Ranty said...

I see the difficulty, but you have a tough decision to make: put bread on the table (and live to fight another day) or take this demons shilling and then become a thorn in his side. Your career prospects would tank very swiftly.

If I were you I would take the job until something else came along that offered you the freedom to become an awkward sod.

I do not know of any Freemen working for "The Man". I would think it an untenable situation. Akin to being a pacifist whilst being a serving soldier.

The First Rule must be obeyed: take care of thee and thine.

Join us when you can.


Tomrat said...


It was not so much a conundrum as a call for unreason.

Presuming I am successful in this pursuit I will comfort myself with the fact I would be helping a great deal of people and the fact that within a year or 2 I would have gleaned back enough money to hve become revenue neutral.

Then if it looks like nowt is gonna change I'll jump ship to a country that appreciate self-determination.

Tomrat said...


It was not so much a conundrum as a call for unreason.

Presuming I am successful in this pursuit I will comfort myself with the fact I would be helping a great deal of people and the fact that within a year or 2 I would have gleaned back enough money to hve become revenue neutral.

Then if it looks like nowt is gonna change I'll jump ship to a country that appreciates self-determination.